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Wurl services for RCN Más & MegaNoticias on Roku US

Wurl, a specialist in powering streaming TV, has entered into an agreement with RCN Más and MegaNoticias to enable distribution and monetization services on US connected-TV (CTV) platform Roku. Both services are now available on Roku.

RCN Más is a service from Latin America TV created with content from Colombian broadcaster RCN. MegaNoticias is a popular Mexican news channel from PCTV, part of Grupo Megacable.

Wurl offers Latin American content companies a huge opportunity to enter international markets, including the US, in the connected TV and streaming platform space. The US Hispanic market alone represents over 60 million viewers,” notes Joe Fregoso, Director of Business Development, Latin America, Wurl. With their launches on Roku, RCN Más and MegaNoticias are paving the way for Latin American content companies to enter the FAST channel ecosystem and start monetizing their services around the world.”

RCN Más will entertain Roku audiences with top-quality programming from Colombian powerhouse and producer RCN. The launch on Roku expands the RCN brand and content library to more US Hispanic households, so that more viewers can enjoy the relevant and great stories that can be expected from RCN,” said Julian Giraldo, EVP at RCN International.

Jorge Alejandro Tanaka, Managing Director of Meganoticias continued: The launch of Meganoticias on Roku provides US Hispanic audiences a well-known news brand from Mexico, with trusted and quality reporting, 24/7 in Spanish, covering the most relevant events on the ground from the news site.”

RCN Más and MegaNoticias are represented by Condista, one of the leading distributors of Spanish-language channels in the US. Condista represents over 30 TV channels from countries like Mexico, Spain, Colombia and Argentina, as well as Italian TV channels, in the US market.

We appreciate Wurls invaluable support in the development of two new streaming channels for the US Hispanic market, Meganoticias and RCN Más, offering diverse news and general entertainment viewing options for this important consumer segment,” said Kevin Cross, distribution executive from Condista.